+961 3 776 331

Corporate & Business Law

Commercial law:

Commercial law is the body of law which governs business and commerce. Commercial law regulates corporate contracts, hiring practices and the manufacturing and sales of consumer goods. Traders operate in a competitive and fast- changing market place to make the most of the opportunities in the sector, they need to consider the legal issue when making strategic decisions.

As ALF we provides legal advice in

Our professional team acts in a diverse range of industries and on a wide range of products. We provide advice to literally every aspect related to commercial law.

Corporate law:

Refers to the law establishing separate legal entities known as the company or corporation and governs the most prevalent legal models for firms, for instance limited companies (Ltd), publicly limited companies (plc) or incorporated business (Inc). ALF has a solid practice section dealing in matters related to corporate law issue and litigation and we provide flexibility to let our clients grows.

Business law:

Most of the business transactions are governed by a very detailed and well- established body of rules that have evolved over a very long period of time. The business law is the body of law which governs business and commerce and it’s often considered to be a branch of civil law, as is one of the most important regulations in the Lebanese legal system.

As law practitioners, ALF provides legal advice in:

corporations, institutions, merchants, bankruptcy, commercial papers, statement, etc…. In the mean time, ALF represents many international and local companies, institution and merchants, and has attained a good experience in this aspect.

Unfair competition and regulation:

Encompasses a variety of practices that cause an economic injury to a business, through a deceptive or wrongful business practice as trademark infringement.
ALF provides a full range of services to traders, clients, owners, prime contractors, the firm has also extensive experience in deceptive trade practices, anti- competitive market practices, interference with business relation ships, invasion of privacy, internet domain trademark issues, misrepresentation and fraud and trade dress and advertising compliance.

Bankruptcy and insolvency:

Relates to the development of a plan that allows a debit or, who is unable to pay his creditors, to resolve his debts through the division of his assets among his creditors. The philosophy behind the law is to allow the debtor to make a fresh start, not to be punished for inability to pay debits. Insolvency is the condition of having more debits than available assets which might be used to pay them, even if the assets were mortgaged or sold. It is the inability of an individual or entity to pay its debts.

Our team of specialists includes experienced commercial litigators who regularly act in complex insolvencies we work with liquidators, banks, administrators, receivers and Bankruptcy trustees.

We expertise knows to deal with liquidation, corporate reconstruction, voluntary administration, criminal bankruptcy and corporate found and asset tracing.


Is a method of doing business whereas “franchisor” authorizes proven methods of doing business to a “franchisee” for a chronic fee and a percentage of sales or profits.
National or international advertising, training, and other support services are commonly made available by a franchisor, and may indeed be required by the franchisor, which generally requires audited books, and may subject the franchiser or the out let to periodic and surprise spot checks.

Failure of such tests typically involve non- renewal or cancellation of franchise rights. Due to its importance, ALF members are interested in moving along with the development of the word- wide commercial movement, and concluding franchise contracts, beginning with negotiation, passing through setting- up the contracts and ending with executing the contract.